Friday 22 March 2013


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Annyeong Hasaeyo.. (@)_@)~

Selamat malam semua....

Mood saya malam ini, perasaan rasa sungguh segar............

Kalau boleh mahukan kesegaran yang sebenarnya, bukan hanya sekadar melihat foto-foto di internet..... sungguhhhh sangatttt terujaaa, apabila melihat gambar-gambar 'nature'.....

Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah...Allahu Akhbar, Allah Maha Besar, dengan ciptaan-ciptaan AgungNya....

Jom, of the pictures...which make me arrrggggg!....

nak pi...nak pi....nak oksigen...nak oksigen.....huhuhuhu....

soooooooo n soooooo refreshing..............

lagu ni...saja-saja (sebab lirik dia ada ja,)...tapi sekali-sekali, dengar lagu lama...shiokk juga....

lagu ni selingan sahaja...

Green Green Green Grass Of Home.

The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train
and there to meet me is my Mama & Papa
Down the road I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
The old house is still standing, tho' the paint is cracked and dry
and there's that old oak tree that I used to play on

Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary,hair of gold and lips like cherries

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home

Then I awake and lood around me, at the four grey walls that surround me
and I realiza, yes, I was only dreaming
For there's a guard and there's a sad padre
arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak
Again I touch the green, green grass of home
Yes, they'll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree
as they lay me neath the green, green grass of home.

nah! cekidauuttt b-d-o nih pulak...

Judul Vd0 : Green Green Paddy Field :) 

~Layannn ...another picture :P....sungguhhhh menyegarkan....

Hijau lagi.......jiwaku kian parah......hahaha.....ketandusan kehijauan...... :((((

Saya suka lagu Hijau - Zainal, senikatanya simple, straight forward...iramanya damai....sesuai dengan tajuk lagunya... H.I.J.A.U. :)))

Allah Ta'ala berfirman ” Dan Kami tidak menciptakan langit dan bumi dan apa yang ada antara keduanya dengan bermain-main (sia-sia). Kami tidak menciptakan keduanya melainkan dengan haq, tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui .” (QS Ad Dukhaan [44] : 38-39)-sumber internet-

Pesanan khidmat masyarakat : ))))
Kepentingan menjaga alam sekitar....untukdinikmati oleh kita hari ini ..seterusnya untuk diwarisi oleh generasi hari esok adalah tanggungjawab kita bersama 'together we can do anything'.

Akhir kata, '1' itu penting. :)....

Annyeong :)

Ma'a salamah wa  Ilaliqo'.

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